The other day I decided it was time to start using viewport relative units - for example height: 100vh;
. According to caniuse my all of "targeted browsers" should've worked fine. While The usual suspects - Android Stock Browser and Internet Explorer - behaved formidably, iOS 7 did not.
Continue reading "iOS7 - Mobile Safari And Viewport Units"
Sebastian Golasch and I set out to run the Sass compiler in the browser. Why, you ask? because we can! Or, well, we couldn't - and that needed changing. We'd heard about Emscripten, but never really used it.
Continue reading "libsass.js - An Emscripten Experiment"
iScroll, the number one widget for managing scrollable panels, has been available in version 5 since October. This post documents my pain updating to iScroll 5.0.9.
Continue reading "Updating to iScroll 5"
There is no greater failure than showing a white screen. If an application can't run in a given environment ("old" browsers) telling users might not make them upgrade right away. But compared to a blank page they'll actually know what's going on. Here's a (debatable) method to achieve that.
Continue reading "Dialog for Unsupported Browsers"
KISS: Keep It Simple (and) Stupid - Writing code for humans. This post explains why I believe using constructs like ~"a".indexOf("b")
is a bad practice.
Continue reading "Code And Cognitive Load"