(My) Best Of 2013 Conference Talks
The 15 conference talks of 2013 I liked most.
[April] At Front-Trends 2013 Lea Verous talked about the Border-Radius. (Video from same talk at CSS Day)
Talk on Lanyrd[April] At Front-Trends 2013 Jake Archibald talked about rendering performance.
Talk on Lanyrd[May] At Beyond Tellerrand 2013 Jeremy Keith opened the show, setting the mood for thinking longer term.
Talk on Lanyrd[May] At Beyond Tellerrand 2013 Christian Heilmann talked about Fixing The Mobile Web.
Talk on Lanyrd[June] At CSS Day Tab Atkins explained CSS Variables and Conditions
Talk on Lanyrd[August] At Frontend Conference Zurich 2013 Rachel Nabors showed us how to create music videos in browser-land.
Talk on Lanyrd[August] At Frontend Conference Zurich 2013 Mike West talked about Locking the front door: browser-side security.
Talk on Lanyrd[September] At From The Front 2013 Bruce Lawson talked about How To Destroy The Web. A sarcastic view at how we build the web today. If you're a web professional, you're not going to learn anything here - but it's entertaining none the less. (Sadly From The Front did not (yet?) make any videos available, so here's Bruce giving the same talk at FOWA London.)
Talk on Lanyrd[October] At Fronteers 2013 Bruce Lawson talked about What The Web Needs Next. In this talk you'll find a perspective on DRM you probably haven't thought about - at least I hadn't.
Talk on Lanyrd[October] At Fronteers 2013 Domenic Denicola talked about The State Of JavaScript.
Talk on Lanyrd[October] At Fronteers 2013 Marcos Caceres explained the state of Responsive Images. I don't care too much for responsive images as a thing, but in this talk Marcos managed to explain a couple of things surrounding the standardization process.
Talk on Lanyrd[October] At Border:None Jeremy Keith talked about the Power Of Simplicity.
Talk on Lanyrd[October] At Border:None Bastian Allgeier talked about building a better web. "Better" meaning solving the problem of data silos and not owning your personal data.
Talk on Lanyrd[November] At Full Frontal 2013 Kenneth Auchenberg introduced us to RemodeDebug, his initiative to make developer tools work cross-browser. I liked this talk because I had always been annoyed by the situation, but never figured we (the developer world) could do something about it.
Talk on Lanyrd[December] At Beyond Tellerrand Play 'n' Make 2013 Jared Ficklin exposed us to Thinking By Making.
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marc on :
I am honored to make it into you list with 5 of the talks at my events. ;)
Hope to can top this in 2014!