jsFiddle, some thoughts
I've recently come into love with jsFiddle. It's an awesome tool for quickly hacking together some neat front end stuff. But it's lacking a couple of features.
Need moah Features
Before we dive into the features I'd like jsFiddle to provide, I'd like make it very clear that I want to pay for them. Just like github, you're getting a great free service. But when you need some more features (private repos, more space, …) you're raising the demand and should be billed for it. I'm talking about something along the lines of $5 / month (which is what I'm currently paying for github).
Console for Logging
When running fiddles on browsers without an active console, jsFiddle could jump in and offer another tab "log". If window.console
is undefined, jsFiddle would provide that object with the methods log(), warn(), info(), error(), dir() and write the pretty-printed messages to the "log" tab.
Personal Presets
When opening jsFiddle I want the various configuration sections to be prefilled with my personal preferences. 95% of the time I'm using the latest jQuery onDomReady. Id like a button "save preset" which will save the entire configuration to my profile and prefill the configuration whenever I start a new fiddle.
Half the time I'm adding resources like modernizr or -prefix-free. I'd like the resources section to show me a list of the resources I've used most frequently or last. Then I could activate them with a simple click or two.
Private Fiddles
just like private gists, I'd like to have private fiddles. Stuff I'm working on and potentially sharing with a small number of people. Those fiddles would have a title and description but not show up on my public profile.
Tagged Fiddles
I'd love some way of organizing my fiddles. The simplest solution I can think of are tags. Just tag some fiddles with "foo", and access the filtered list at /users/me/tags/foo
GUI for embedding options
I'd like a GUI for the custom embedding options. It would be great if that UI also featured the last custom embedding options I've used. Point, click, done.
Resource Management
I'd like to drop an image onto jsFiddle and it would automatically convert it to a data-uri I can use in html/css/js pabels. Alternatively, Those images would be saved somewhere along with the fiddle and accessible via /res/my-dropped-image.jpg
. Dropping data-uris into one of the panels is just annoying. For one they're re-evaluated on every ctrl+enter. They're filling up the precious coding space. They slow down the IDE (being text in the editor and all).
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Piotr Zalewa on :
Rodney Rehm on :
Jens Grochtdreis on :
The second point annoys me very much. I'd really like to include jsFiddles into my pages for teaching at the university. But the results aren't shown adequately. And I didn't find a way around.