You're currently in the process of walling up your garden of API-awesome. All of this is happening because you need to earn money. You are about to kick the very thing that made you great. And continuing on that course, you'll lose in the long-run. Before getting to the idea, let me point out where you stand.
Continue reading "Hey @twitter, here's an idea"
URI.js is a Javascript library for working with URLs (without going insane or shooting yourself in the head). It was released in the last week of 2011. Here's some background from a week after launch.
Continue reading "One Week of URI.js "
Thinking Outside The Box was the goal of the past couple of days at the Beyond Tellerrand Conference in Düsseldorf. What are conferences about? What makes them special? Why should you attend them?
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For someone doing front end work it's pretty likely they'll stumble upon the works of people like Paul Irish at some point or another. These people are involved in virtually every tool we use every day. These are the people trying to teach us "regular developers" how the web works. And what many don't realize - metaphorically speaking they live just around the corner. They're people like you and me, only prominent.
Continue reading "Causal Blathering"
I've recently come into love with jsFiddle. It's an awesome tool for quickly hacking together some neat front end stuff. But it's lacking a couple of features.
Continue reading "jsFiddle, some thoughts"